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Pocitas Beach (Mancora Chico)

Located only 3 kilometers south from Mancora’s downtown with a total length of six kms approximately.
Las Pocitas (“Little Wells”) is one of the most beautiful beaches from the coast of Peru. You can get there from Mancora, Los Organos or Vichayito walking, by taxi or in a moto-taxi, the most used type of transportation on the zone.
Here at Las Pocitas (show in some maps as “Mancora chico”) the ambience is quiet and a bit more exclusive, thanks to the relative distance from downtown and to the price/quality of their lodgings.
The curious name comes from the natural pools that form inside the craters of rocks on the beach at low tide. This characteristic, unique to the coast of Peru, along with the beautiful houses and hostels that line the shores, makes this place paradise and a safe heaven for the whole family to enjoy.
Las Pocitas beach has only one central road (which was originally the Panamerican North Highway) that goes between the beach and a beautiful sloping hillside.
The green vegetation at Pocitas beach surrounding the houses in this beachfront community demonstrates the care of the inhabitance: many palm trees at seashore with an spectacular turquoise sea and white sand give the tropical ambience that many people love it.
Las Pocitas offers everything for the tourist; good quality hostels, nice Hawaiians cottages bars and restaurants. All good quality services waiting for your visit to one of the most interesting tourist centers on the coast of Peru.

Pocitas beach (Mancora Chico) Photos

Features at Pocitas Beach

¿What you find in Mancora?

  • Top Hotels and Hostels
  • Top beach house rentals
  • Restaurant’s Hotel
  • Incredible beach with natural pools on low tide
  • Buy from beach sellers (crafts, hats, art, even lobsters!)
  • Diving and fishing points
  • More products and services you can find it in Mancora town


References prices at Pocitas beach (Mancora Chico)

  • 1 coca cola on hotel: S/. 3,00 soles / USD$[convert number=2 from=”pen” to=”usd”] dollars.
  • 1 personal beer on hotel: S/. 5,00 soles / USD$[convert number=3 from=”pen” to=”usd”] dollars.
  • 1 good ceviche on restaurant hotel: S/. 30,00 soles / USD$[convert number=25 from=”pen” to=”usd”] dollars.
  • 1 noche alojamiento ejecutivo: S/. 100,00 soles / USD$[convert number=100 from=”pen” to=”usd”] dollars.

Key Places at Pocitas Beach (Mancora Chico)

General Map of Pocitas Beach with the places you need to know.