Maps and Distance table

Mancora Location

Mancora Map
Mancora Map - Use the zoom (+ or - ) on the upper left corner to change views..

Mancora beach map of Vivamancora

A Map of the northcoast of Peru, with the beaches (on yellow) that we include on Vivamancora guide. Click to enlarge.

Mapa Playas
Lodging Map of Mancora and Pocitas beaches.

Detail map with the lodgings that we include at Vivamancora. Click to enlarge each area.

Playa Pocitas - Zona Sur Playa Las Pocitas, Centro Sur Playa Las Pocitas, Centro Norte Playa Las Pocitas, Norte Mancora, Pueblo y Playa

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Distance and time table

From Mancora to

Distance Aprox flight
Aprox time in
private vehicle
Aprox time in bus
Lima 1165 kms south 1:45 hrs to Piura
1:50 hrs to Talara
2:00 hrs to Tumbes
14 hrs 17 - 19 hrs
Piura 185 kms south --- 2:20 hrs 3:00 hrs
Tumbes 102 kms north --- 1:40 hrs 2:20 hrs
Talara 81 kms south --- 1 hr 1:30 hrs
Zorritos 74 kms north --- 1 hr 1:20 hrs
Lobitos 65 kms south --- 1hr20 2:30 hr
Cabo Blanco 28 kms south --- 30 min 1:30 hr
Punta Sal 30 kms north --- 30 min 1 hr
Los Órganos 13 kms south --- 10 min 15 min
Vichayito 7 kms south -- 5 min 7 min (moto taxi)
Las Pocitas 3 kms south --- 3 min 4 min (moto taxi)




Lorly EIRL
Taxi de Tumbes
Canopy en Mancora
Spondylus Escuela de Buceo
Vivamancora 3.0